Vacancies at RSG

County Roscommon Disability Support Group is an equal opportunities employer. Staff are recruited for example as Personal Assistants, Assisted Living Support Workers and Home Support Workers through the organisation’s HSE funded services. These vacancies are advertised on and as they arise. See below our current list of job openings:

County Roscommon Disability Support Group require Health Care Support Workers in all localities in Mayo, Galway and Roscommon. If you are interested, we can offer you flexible hours/part-time and it may include weekend work. QQI Level 5 (FETAC) in Health Service Skills required (or if you are in the process of completing your QQI Level 5 (FETAC), your application is welcome) Manual Handling, Safe Patient Movement & satisfactory Garda Vetting is also required for this position.


Please contact 090 66 25852 or email Pay rate: Dependant on experience and qualifications.


Community Employment Vacancies


County Roscommon Disability Support Group sponsors a Community Employment Project which engages people in any of the following areas; Home Support workers, Personal Assistants, Companion Care Workers, Clerical, Administrators, Drivers, Caretakers and Training Assistants and IT Support.


These positions are advertised on Jobs Ireland and on our Job Vacancies page. If applying for a position advertised you must state the Job Reference Number in all correspondence.


Applications for the Community Employment Project are accepted ongoing and are placed on a waiting list for consideration as potential vacancies arise. All applicants must check their eligibility for a Community Employment Project and register with their DSP office before making an application. All persons must hold satisfactory Garda Clearance before taking up work with the organisation, but persons who lived outside the island of Ireland for six months or more in the last three years will not be eligible for posts that require Garda Vetting.


Garda Vetting will be required for all posts and the policy of HSE Garda Vetting will be applied to all positions in RSG. All applicants will also be referenced checked.


For further details phone Bernadette Connolly on 090 66 25852 or email at

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Your Community Partners

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