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RSG Course List

County Roscommon Disability Support Group CLG offers the following Level 5 Healthcare modules awarded by Quality and Qualifications Ireland.

Major Awards

  • QQI Level 5 Healthcare Support 5M4339
  • QQI Level 5 Health Service Skills 5M3782

Standalone Modules   (click on the course titles below for more information)

(M) = Mandatory, (E) = Elective

Each modules has a 15 credit value. The total credit value required for certification is 120. The above modules are offered as stand-alone certificates or they can be used as building blocks toward the Level 5 Major Award in Healthcare Support (5M4339).

Other Available Courses

Learner Management System (LMS)

RSG Training, facilitates all our online courses on the GiraffePad (LMS) platform. With GiraffePad, learners can easily access all aspects of the course, including links to the Zoom hosted online classes, helpful course materials and videos available at any time, and a private chat system with the course tutors and administrators. 
Protection of Enrolled Learners (Part 6 of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012)

As a provider of programmes more than 3 months in duration, we are subject to Part 6 of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012. This means that, if for any reason, we are unable to continue to provide the programme you are enrolled on, we have arrangements in place with alternative providers for enrolled learners to transfer to a similar programme provided by the alternative provider.  If we need to do this, we need to share the learner information we hold on you with QQI and the alternative provider.  This does not infringe the Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003.

If you would like to discuss these arrangements further, or if you have any questions please contact the Programme Administrator at RSG on 086 166 8428 or email us.


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