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RSG Policies & Statements

The full list of RSG Policies & Procedures can be found here.

Commitment to Best Fundraising Policy

County Roscommon Disability Support Group’s Commitment to Best Fundraising Policy County Roscommon Disability Support Group, as a not for profit organisation and charity, is fully committed to achieving the standards contained within the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.

We commit to doing this by:

  • Maintaining good fundraising practice.
  • Providing high levels of accountability and transparency to our donors and prospective donors from the public.
  • Provide clarity and assurances to you about how we spend your money. Background of The Statement of Guiding Principles For Fundraising This Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising has been drawn up in the context of the publication of The Charities Bill 2007, which proposes that the operational and administrative aspects of fundraising would be regulated by agreed Codes of Practice to be developed with the sector. It is a voluntary statement of intent that we have considered and will make every effort to follow. We are grateful for all funds donated to us at County Roscommon Disability Support Group and strive to ensure we have complete transparency and accountability to our donors. Below we have some information and welcome feedback at any time.

The other documents you will find on our website are located here.

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Your Community Partners

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