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Click Here If You Would Like To Volunteer with Roscommon Disability Support Group

County Roscommon Disability Support Group CLG very much values our Volunteers and welcomes people to volunteer their time for any duration. People with any amount of time to spare or a skill to share can volunteer by contacting us.. Volunteers are insured and trained.  

They also can get involved in other activities or avail of training at RSG.Volunteers are required on an ongoing basis throughout the year for such occasions such as Bring & Buy Sales, Church Gate Collections, Grocery Bag pack and one off social events.

Job seekers are welcome to volunteer and to learn a new skill. Refreshments provided free while on duty. Transport is available within a 10 mile radius.

Call: 090 66 25852      Email: info@rsg.ie


Statement On Retaining Personal Records

County Roscommon Disability Support Group CLG retains information on all Service Users, volunteers and employees. The information retained relating to volunteers is as follows: your application form, information relating to your application, references, Garda Vetting, record of training undertaken including induction training, and any other information relevant to our volunteering with County Roscommon Disability Support Group CLG. You are entitled to view any information retained and to ask for amendments to be made where it is inaccurate.

All information retained by County Roscommon Disability Support Group CLG is done in accordance with Data Protection legislation. It is important that you notify the Volunteer Coordinator of any changes in personal contact details. Volunteer files will be accorded the same confidentiality as staff files and will be retained for as long as you volunteer with the organisation and for a period no longer than 6 years after you have finished with the organisation.

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