
Donations/Gifts can be made in any of the following ways;

ONLINE: Visit our iDonate page to make a donation securely online. Click here to donate online.

BY CHEQUE: Please make out to Chairperson, County Roscommon Disability Support Group, Derrane, Co. Roscommon.

BY DIRECT LODGEMENT to the following: RSG Disability Fund, Church Street, Roscommon, Co. Roscommon

IBAN: IE53AIBK93714208181234

IN YOUR WILL by naming RSG Disability Fund as a beneficiary. A person who has already written their will can add a codicil to it to name the RSG Disability Fund as a beneficiary.

Donating Personal Property/Assets
You are advised to consult with your tax/ legal adviser/financial advisor to advise you on ways of donating that are most beneficial and tax effective to you.

The organisation’s state funding is primarily confined to the provision of services to people with disabilities and older people in the community. The organisation is otherwise dependent on fund raising/donations for all activities and other facilities for their service users.

We invite you to become a friend of RSG by making a donation or gift or naming our organisation as a beneficiary in your will.

County Roscommon Disability Support Group is a not for profit organisation with charitable status and is an approved body for the purposes of section 848A, Taxes Consolidation Act, which relates to tax relief for donations to approved bodies. As an approved charity donations of €250 or more are eligible for tax relief. Self employed people can claim a deduction for such donations at their marginal tax rate and deduct it from their total income for the tax year in which the donation is claimed. For PAYE employees donating, the charity gets the benefit of the tax relief.

Friends of RSG Disability Fund recently set up enables people to donate Cash or Assets to the organisation either as a once off gift or a planned gift in the future. The fund will be supervised and managed by a specific committee to ensure transparency and to assure donors that all gifts received will be used to full advantage and in accordance with the donor’s wishes. The funds will help the organisation to provide services to people with disabilities to enable them to live more independent and fulfilling lives.