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QQI Level 5 Person Centred Focus to Disability

Course Name: QQI Level 5 Person Centred Focus to Disability
Course Code: 5N1728
Duration: 34 Hours of directed learning (evenings and Saturdays)
Location: Derrane, Roscommon
Module Status: Optional
Accreditation: QQI Level 5-Elective Module on the QQI Level 5 Major Award

Course Aim
This course is designed to provide learners with the knowledge, skills and competencies required to apply a person centred focus to their work with people with disabilities in a variety of settings

Course Content

  • Theories and concepts that underpin a person centred focused to disability
  • Medical & Social Model of Service Delivery
  • Person Centred Focus and its impact on the individual
  • Challenges of Person Centred Focus

Entry Level 

  • QQI Level 4 Certificate or equivalent qualification and /or relevant life and work experience
  • Competent in spoken and written English

Progression Route
Learners who complete this module can progress towards the full QQI Level 5 Major Award in Healthcare Support 5M4339


  • Assignment on the understanding of theories and concepts that underpin a person centred focused to disability (40%)
  • Learner Record based on your work with a person with a disability that demonstrates your awareness of A Person Centered Focus to Disability (60%)

Course Delivery

  • Directed Learning in a face-to-face setting
  • Directed learning via Virtual Classroom (blended Learning) on online Zoom Platform
  • Group Discussions/Interactions/Breakout Rooms
  • Work Experience/Simulated Work environment
  • Tutorials/One on one supported learning
  • Role Play
  • Self-Directed Learning
  • Problem-Based Learning

All training is delivered in a people-centered, friendly, and enjoyable learning environment to ensure each learner is given every opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and competence to excel in a caring role.  Training is delivered by expert dedicated tutors with a background and in-depth knowledge and experience of the healthcare sector including competency with blended learning model of delivery.

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